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Case History Online Form
Low Back Pain and Disability Online Questionnaire
Neck Pain Questionnaire
About the Doctor
The Chiropractor's Corner
Office Hours & Location
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Case History Online Form
Low Back Pain and Disability Online Questionnaire
Neck Pain Questionnaire
Chiropractic Care for Adults and Children
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Low Back Pain & Disability Questionnaire
First Name
Last Name
Email Address
Add up all the checked sentences and enter the total here.
When your back hurts, you may find it difficult to do some of the things you normally do. Mark only the sentences that describe you today.
I stay at home most of the time because of my back
I walk more slowly than usual because of my back
Because of my back, I am not doing any jobs that I usually do around the house.
Because of my back, I use a handrail to get up stairs
Because of my back, I lie down to rest more often
Because of my back, I have to hold onto something to get out of an easy chair
Because of my back, I try to get other people to do things for me.
Because of my back, I get dressed more slowly than usual
Because of my back, I stand up only for short periods of time
Because of my back, I try not to bend or kneel down
Because of my back, I find it difficult to get out of my chair
My back or leg is painful almost all of the time
Because of my back, I find it difficult to turn over in bed.
Because of my back, I have trouble putting on socks.
Because of my back, I don't sleep well
Because of my back, I avoid heavy jobs around the house.
Because of my back, i am more irritable and bad tempered than usual.
Because of my back, I go upstairs more slowly than usual.
Thank you!